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Resharper vs CodeRush

·290 words·2 mins
Darren Pruitt
Darren Pruitt

So I used Resharper for a long time and I really liked it.  There were a few things I didn’t like, especially the time added to a project load.  And every once in a while it would lock up.  But the features I liked were very useful: Find all usages, simple keyboard shortcuts, code reformatting.  But the two most useful things it did was 1) to but a bar along the right side of the screen with orange or red lines for were the code had problems, and 2) clean up the using statements.

I have been using CodeRush/Refactor Pro for about a month now and really like it as well.  I wish it did some of the things that ReSharper did and I wished the refactoring worked more like ReSharper.  But I like the polish a lot better and I like the way it shows how blocks of code are related.  One of the best features I notices so far is the showing cyclonic complexity of each method.  The code completion is a bit complicated and I haven’t spent enough time figuring it out.  It is more flexible than ReSharpers.

Another thing I do not like about CodeRush is the subscription scheme they are switching to.  I can see where they would need a continuous money stream to keep the business going.  But how am I going to justify paying the CodeRush tax each year when I got the ReSharper upgrade for free?

So, I like both products.  I tried running both at the same time in VS 2003 but after 15 minutes it locked up.  The tend to step on each other a lot so I need to figure out how to get them to play nice together.