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Outlook Rules + Blackberry == SUCKS

·201 words·1 min
Darren Pruitt
Darren Pruitt

I just got a Blackberry for work and am having a hard time dealing with it.  I didn’t ask for it but if I have to use it I will. 

The real problem I am having is the clash of Outlook rules and my use of folders to organize email’s.  Because the email’s I get are moved into a folder (me being the anal organizational type) they do not get forwarded to the Blackberry.  This sucks because I don’t get all my email’s which defeats the purpose of having the thing.

I have a plan to solve the problem.  A guy I work with says that he does not use folders to organize his email’s, just sorts them in the Inbox.  On Hanselminutes Carl Franklin said that he leaves everything in the Inbox and uses a Desktop search tool.  I am thinking that a combination of these two practices and using the Favorite Folders in Outlook would work as well.  That way I can remove all my rules, have everything stay in the Inbox and at some later date I can organize as I see fit.

Its going to really hurt getting ride of the rules though.  I like my rules.