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Mad World

·133 words·1 min
Darren Pruitt
Darren Pruitt

I keep seeing the commercial for Gears of War, I don’t know anything about the game but the background music is one that I know and like. It is called “Mad World” and I recognize it from the movie Donny Darko. Part of it goes like this:

I find it kind of funny,

I find it kind of sad,

But the dreams in which I’m dying

Are the best I ever had.

It is one of those songs that forces you to stop and listen.

Any way, I thought I might have the song so I went looking in my mp3 collection and couldn’t find it. No problem I’ll search iTunes.

Do you know how many remakes are of this one song?! A lot. Just on iTunes I see over 52 remixes.
