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David Hayden [MVP C#] : Validation Application Block - Integrating It Into Your Business Layer

·159 words·1 min
Darren Pruitt
Darren Pruitt

Now that we have this cool Validation Application Block we want to use it with all our business objects. This should immediately send up a red flag that there will probably be some common functionality among all these business objects in how they use the Validation Application Block. Hence some type of layer supertype ( business base class ) will probably be necessary to contain common functionality to remove code redundancy.

Source: David Hayden, MVP C# : Validation Application Block - Integrating It Into Your Business Layer

David Hayden presents another great article, this time on the newest addition to the MS EntLib: Validation Application Block.

I go back and forth on the EntLib as a whole. Parts are great, other parts are overkill. I love the Data Access Block and use it in tandem with my other data access frameworks (ActiveRecord, NHibernate, etc). The UI block though, WTF!

David’s article is a good read. Go forth and read.