Spirograph’s are cool. See here and here.
I put together three ways to generate points for a Spirograph, first using a Brute Force straight generate the points, second using a Parallel.For and third using LINQ.
Two important classes first. First is a static DoubleExtension class to help determine when two doubles are about equal:
using System;
namespace DC.SpiroGraph.Core
public static class DoubleExtension
public static bool AboutEqual(double x, double y)
double epsilon = Math.Max(Math.Abs(x), Math.Abs(y)) * 1E-15;
var variance = x > y ? x - y : y - x;
return Math.Abs(variance)
Second, a simple Point class. Yeah, I probably could have used the Drawing Point class.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace DC.SpiroGraph.Core
[DebuggerDisplay("X = {X}, Y = {Y}")]
public class Point
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public bool NotAboutEqualTo(Point point)
return !DoubleExtension.AboutEqual(X, point.X) && !DoubleExtension.AboutEqual(Y, point.Y);
Note the use of DebuggerDisplay to help with the debugging.
The SpiroGraphGenerator:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DC.SpiroGraph.Core
public class SpiroGraphGenerator
/// <summary>
/// Radius, R, of Circle (equator) centered at the origin
/// </summary>
public double Radius1 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Radius, r, of circle (bicyle wheel) cetered at (R + r, 0)
/// </summary>
public double Radius2 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Distance of Point (reflector) from the center of Circle 2 (the circle of Radius2)
/// </summary>
public double Position { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Controls how precise the SpiroGraph is drawn.
/// Controls t of f(t).
/// Resolution = 360, t = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...,360
/// Resolution = 180, t = 0, 2, 4, 6, ... 360
/// </summary>
public double Resolution { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Point> GetSpiroGraphPoints()
var t = 0d;
var sumOfRadius = Radius1 + Radius2;
var firstPoint = new Point { X = Xt(sumOfRadius, Radius2, Position, t), Y = Yt(sumOfRadius, Radius2, Position, t) };
var currentPoint = new Point { X = firstPoint.X, Y = firstPoint.Y };
// Convert to Radians
var increment = (360 / Resolution) * Math.PI / 180;
for (var i = 0; i < Resolution; i++)
yield return currentPoint;
t += increment;
currentPoint = new Point { X = Xt(sumOfRadius, Radius2, Position, t), Y = Yt(sumOfRadius, Radius2, Position, t) };
} while (currentPoint.NotAboutEqualTo(firstPoint));
yield return currentPoint;
public IEnumerable<Point> GetSpiroGraphPoints2()
var endPoints = FindAllEndPoints();
var numberOfEndPonits = endPoints.Count();
var numberOfPoints = Convert.ToInt32((numberOfEndPonits - 1) * Resolution + 1);
var points = new Point[numberOfPoints];
var resolution = Convert.ToInt32(Resolution);
var sumOfRadius = Radius1 + Radius2;
// Convert to Radians
var increment = (360 / Resolution) * Math.PI / 180;
points[0] = GetPoint(sumOfRadius, 0);
Parallel.For(1, numberOfEndPonits, i =>
for (var j = 0; j < resolution; j++)
var pointIndex = (i - 1) * resolution + j + 1;
var t = pointIndex * increment;
points[pointIndex] = GetPoint(sumOfRadius, t);
return points;
public IEnumerable<Point> GetSpiroGraphPoints3()
var endPoints = FindAllEndPoints();
var numberOfEndPonits = endPoints.Count();
var numberOfPoints = Convert.ToInt32((numberOfEndPonits - 1) * Resolution + 1);
var sumOfRadius = Radius1 + Radius2;
// Convert to Radians
var increment = (360 / Resolution) * Math.PI / 180;
var points2 = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfPoints)
.Select(i => new { Index = i, t = i * increment })
.Select(it => new { it.Index, point = GetPoint(sumOfRadius, it.t) })
.OrderBy(ip => ip.Index)
.Select(ip => ip.point);
return points2;
public IEnumerable<Point> FindAllEndPoints()
var t = 0d;
var sumOfRadius = CalculateSumOfRadius();
var firstPoint = GetPoint(sumOfRadius, t);
var currentPoint = new Point { X = firstPoint.X, Y = firstPoint.Y };
// Convert to Radians
var increment = CalculateIncrement();
yield return currentPoint;
t += (increment * Resolution);
currentPoint = GetPoint(sumOfRadius, t);
} while (currentPoint.NotAboutEqualTo(firstPoint));
yield return currentPoint;
private double CalculateIncrement()
return (360 / Resolution) * Math.PI / 180;
private double CalculateSumOfRadius()
return Radius1 + Radius2;
private static double Xt(double sumOfRadius, double radius2, double position, double t)
return sumOfRadius * Math.Cos(t) + position * Math.Cos(sumOfRadius * t / radius2);
private static double Yt(double sumOfRadius, double radius2, double position, double t)
return sumOfRadius * Math.Sin(t) + position * Math.Sin(sumOfRadius * t / radius2);
private Point GetPoint(double sumOfRadius, double t)
return new Point { X = Xt(sumOfRadius, Radius2, Position, t), Y = Yt(sumOfRadius, Radius2, Position, t) };
I created a simple WinForm app using DevExpress controls, this is how I populated the graph with points:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace DC.SpiroGraph.WinForm
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
public void CreateData(bool useParallel)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
var sg = new Core.SpiroGraphGenerator
Radius1 = Convert.ToDouble(radius1TextEdit.Text),
Radius2 = Convert.ToDouble(radius2TextEdit.Text),
Position = Convert.ToDouble(positionTextEdit.Text),
Resolution = Convert.ToDouble(resolutionTextEdit.Text)
var endPoints = sg.FindAllEndPoints();
endPointCountLabel.Text = string.Format("# of End Points: {0}", endPoints.Count());
var graphPoints = useParallel ? sg.GetSpiroGraphPoints2() : sg.GetSpiroGraphPoints3();
pointCountLabel.Text = string.Format("# of Points: {0}", graphPoints.Count());
chartControl1.Series[0].DataSource = graphPoints;
catch (Exception)
// Eat It
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var series = chartControl1.Series[0];
series.Label.Visible = false;
series.ArgumentDataMember = "X";
series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Y" });
radius1TextEdit.Text = "60";
radius2TextEdit.Text = "60";
positionTextEdit.Text = "60";
resolutionTextEdit.Text = "270";
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Future changes will be to make a series for each rotation about the main circle, this way we can start adding different colors to the graph.